
My name is Sabrina. I'm a mother of three, a significant other, and an obsessed crafter. After another Christmas of overspending, I decided it was time to face some harsh realities.

When I assess my life, I'm actually doing pretty well. I make a decent salary at a job I actually enjoy, I'm living in a spacious home that I love, I drive a brand new car, and I have all the amenities one would expect to come with a secure life. However, the problem is that I'm stretching every dollar as far as it can go. One emergency could send me into some serious trouble. There is literally nothing leftover at the end of the month, and the stress of that knowledge keeps me on edge.

I've never had any guidance when it comes to finances. So at 36, I'm pretty much starting from scratch. I'll share anything I learn along the way in hopes that someone else can achieve the same freedom I am seeking.

My goal is to be able to pay all of my bills on time while maintaining a generous emergency fund. I'd also like to avoid tensing up every time one of my kids tells me they need field trip or lunch money because I'm not sure where it's coming from. In 2014, I will make this a reality.

This is how Mommy Making Do came about. This blog will be my success log and my inspiration. I figure if I have to answer to the Internet, it might help keep me in line when it comes to spending. I'm prepared to lay out some very personal info, because I think facing the truth will be the best way for me to overcome obstacles. All through 2014, my main objective will be to avoid running to the store every time I need something, and instead make do.

Join me in this journey, and we can learn and grow together! I welcome readers to share their own personal success stories and creative ideas for making do.


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